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Nordic Business Forum 2024

25.09-26.09.2024 Helsinki

TapahtumaJoin Europe's largest business and leadership conference!

Experience a unique 2-day event in Helsinki and upgrade your skills in strategy, customer experience and talent development.

Network and make lasting connections with over 6,600 executives from 40+ countries. 

Attend Nordic Business Forum 2024 and step up your business and leadership game!

The event agenda is the same for both in-person attendees and online participants. The only exception is that the VIP sessions will not be live-streamed. Nordic Business Forum 2024 will take place on 25-26 September 2024 in Helsinki’s Expo & Convention Centre (Messukeskus).

The Theme Explained

Courageous Leadership

  • As a leader, you have to be positive and brave, even if times are uncertain or even chaotic. You have to solve complex problems that nobody else has been able to solve. You have to be forward-thinking, even without knowing how the future will be.
  • This resilience is the true spirit of leadership – turning tough times into opportunities. So now, it’s time to raise the stakes. It’s not just about handling risks; it’s about welcoming change, imagining the future, and leading the way where others are hesitant to go.

We need leaders like you who dare to innovate, disrupt, and make a difference. It’s a call for courageous leadership.


Tapahtuman tiedot

Päivämäärä: 25.09-26.09.2024
Kaupunki: Helsinki
Paikka: Messukeskus
Lisätty: 25.1.2024

Muita tapahtumia


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