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Mindtrek 2022

15.11-18.11.2022 Tampere

TapahtumaMindtrek is an international technology conference organized annually in Tampere, Finland that offers a horizontal view into the field of future technology. We are pleased to announce that the Mindtrek Conference will take place on the 15th of November 2022 in Finnkino Cine Atlas.

Mindtrek is all about networking and exchanging ideas with people who come from different backgrounds and who have different areas of expertise.

In the year 2022, Mindtrek Conference program will be divided in to two different tracks: The Future of Open Source Business and Smart Villages. Each theme will act as a full day track. Both tracks during the day are going on simultaneously, so you can either follow along one full track or pick and choose the most interesting topics and speeches for you.

Visit our website to learn more: www.mindtrek.org/2022/mindtrek-2022/


Tapahtuman tiedot

Päivämäärä: 15.11-18.11.2022
Kaupunki: Tampere
Lisätty: 14.10.2022

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