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MarTech Nordic 2022

05.10.2022 Helsinki Webinaari

5.10.2022 | HELSINKI


E-commerce, digital, contactless services, pickup and delivery are seeing continued high activities. Consumers are flooding digital spaces, creating an influx of both traffic and data like never before.


More than ever - now you need to know what to include in your stack to ensure your growth and keeping up with the risen demand. Building a Martech ecosystem, sorting your stack and finding out how to build inclusion into your customer experience through convenient use of enormous amounts of data is the absolute key.


MarTech Nordic 2022 brings together experienced decision-makers, the best digital marketers, developers, eCommerce-leaders and visionaries to give not only an understanding, but a heads up of this rapidly changing industry. 


Know how to create, monitor and track! Take advantage of the changing consumer behaviour and supercharge your business strategy, consumer insights and ways you engage with your customers delivering desired business outcomes at the same.

Get more information on the event's web page.


Tapahtuman tiedot

Päivämäärä: 05.10.2022
Kaupunki: Helsinki
Tyyppi: Webinaari
Lisätty: 12.8.2022

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