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Learning to innovate like a startup – Case KONE WORX

18.11.2020 Webinaari

TapahtumaEEX journey participants & veterans share their insights about learning new business. We’ll highlight the new KONE WORX venturing unit.

How hands-on experience with startups have helped them co-create new innovations with clients and partners? Comments will address the future needs for skills and culture.?

Online Nov 18th 8:00-9:30

8:00 Welcome & introduction, Eevi Vaahto, Development Manager, EEX

Ups and Downs of building a venturing unit, Timo Tiainen, Head of KONE WORX

Mindset Push: Business Design in a large company, Etti Seppä, Business Designer, KONE WORX

Comment: Learn like an Entrepreneur (or Die), Tapio Peltonen, Founder, EEX

Interview & questions: Large and small innovators, different or not?

9:00 New Capabilities & Culture Needed, Kaija Bridger, Head of Talent and Culture, KONE

Future Scenarios and Learning Challenge – #SkillsData, Laura Juvonen, Executive Director, Growth & Skills, Technology Industries of Finland

9:30 Event ends

?Event partners: EEX ???? KONE ???? Technology Industries of Finland

Online Event

Register here

Tapahtuman aika

18.11.2020 klo 8.00 - 18.11.2020 klo 9.30


Tapahtuman tiedot

Päivämäärä: 18.11.2020
Tyyppi: Webinaari
Lisätty: 27.10.2020

Muita tapahtumia


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