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HIMSS Health 2.0 2020

07.09-09.09.2020 Helsinki

HIMSS & Health 2.0 European Conference 2020

The most influential digital health conference in Europe will be returning to Helsinki, Finland on 26-28 May 2020 for three days of the latest innovation, exciting learning and unmatchable networking opportunities.

The conference will welcome over 3,000 healthcare leaders and more than 200 speakers from the entire ecosystem under the same roof, gathering the best of both worlds: the HIMSS expertise and thought leadership and the Health 2.0 network of entrepreneurs and investors. Together, in addition to engaging with each other, hearing about real best practices and learning new skills, delegates will get a unique chance to see some of the technologies that are making a positive difference to patients today.


Tapahtuman tiedot

Päivämäärä: 07.09-09.09.2020
Kaupunki: Helsinki
Lisätty: 13.11.2019

Muita tapahtumia


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