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Global DevOps Bootcamp 2020

30.05.2020 Helsinki

TapahtumaGlobal DevOps Bootcamp is a worldwide community event that will be held for the 4th time. Every year, we create a full-day experience around a central theme. The day starts with a keynote (of a famous speaker!), a local keynote, and a challenging yet inspiring hackathon focusing on DevOps practices and Modern Software practices. People also learn about the latest trends and will be sharing their DevOps experiences. It’s a great opportunity to learn and network with others locally working in this space, and also get to hear all about some real-world DevOps experiences. (Read more: https://globaldevopsbootcamp.com/home)

In Finland Global DevOps Bootcamp 2020 will be held by Zure in Helsinki on Saturday May 30th. It's all about DevOps.


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