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Frends iPaaS 101: Live Tech Webinar

09.02.2023 Webinaari

TapahtumaDo you want to learn what Frends iPaaS is?

There is a wide variety of integration technologies on the market. There are Software-based Integration Platforms, Code-based Integration Frameworks, Outsourced Integration, and Integration Platforms as a Service (iPaaS). Do you know which ones are the best for your business? How do you choose the proper integration solution or the combination of integration technologies? In this webinar, we will talk about iPaaS, that is, the Frends Integration Platform, a Nordic's growing iPaaS.

Welcome to Frends 101, an intro tech webinar for people interested in exploring the Frends Integration Platform.

During the webinar, you will get to see some of the key Frends' capabilities in practice based on one of the real-life business use cases applicable to a broad spectrum of industries.

Frends iPaaS is made to align Business, Development, and Operation teams and enable cross-team collaboration, so no deep technical knowledge or previous knowledge of Frends are needed to attend this webinar. 

You will learn how you can:

  • Translate a business process/service into the workflow logic 
  • Develop integration processes based on the business needs and logic
  • Run integrations
  • Monitor integration execution 

We will also walk you through our brand-new User Experience and Interface. 


Tapahtuman tiedot

Päivämäärä: 09.02.2023
Tyyppi: Webinaari
Lisätty: 24.1.2023

Muita tapahtumia


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