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Fluido Innovation Day — the true Dreamforce experience in Helsinki

20.11.2018 Helsinki

TapahtumaDid you miss the chance to attend Dreamforce 2018 in San-Francisco? Worry not, because this November Fluido will bring all the best of Dreamforce (yes, even the concert) directly to you!

On November 20, you will:

  • find out about the Salesforce innovations launched at Dreamforce
  • get together with peers and product experts to discuss innovations
  • find new solutions to your business challenges
  • get inspired by local trailblazers

Get inspired by the sessions and the Keynote featuring the latest product innovations to help you grow your business. Meet Salesforce product experts, test-drive the latest customer success solutions, and get to know partner offerings at the Expo to transform your business. End your day on a powerful note with great music, networking, and food & drinks at our Innovation Gala!

Register here

Agenda overview


12:00 Registration and Expo 

13:00 Opening 

13:30 Sessions 1 and 2 

14:30 Coffee break and Expo 

15:00 Breakout sessions 

16:00 Coffee break 

16:30 Session 3 

17:30 Closing Keynote 

18:30 Innovation Gala


Tapahtuman tiedot

Päivämäärä: 20.11.2018
Kaupunki: Helsinki
Paikka: Kaapelitehdas
Lisätty: 12.10.2018

Muita tapahtumia


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