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24.04.2024 - 25.04.2024 Berlin

TapahtumaBerlin presents the new highlight in the financial sector: FIBE - the fintech and finance festival for the global stage! On April 24 and 25, 2024, this innovative format will celebrate its premiere at CityCube Berlin.

The event is organized by the Berlin Finance Initiative in cooperation with Handelsblatt and Messe Berlin. FIBE is aligned at the entire fintech ecosystem in Europe - from up-and-coming fintech start-ups and investors to established banks and political decision-makers.

FIBE is not just about business, it is also a fusion of innovation, networking and a lot of fun. FIBE provides a platform that brings together the various players in the financial world and promotes exchange on a global level.

With this in mind, FIBE strives to become the industry's leading event where innovative ideas meet inspiring personalities to shape the future of the financial industry together.

Imagine: The traditional banking world meets the exciting world of the fintech revolution. This is FIBE - no ordinary trade fair visit, but a dynamic fintech and finance festival that unites the world and establishes Berlin as an epicenter for groundbreaking ideas. Because FIBE is more than just talks and formal wear. We combine conferences with rousing music and offer a unique experience. FIBE is the place where established greats and up-and-coming talents come together to shape the future of finance. And if you want something a little more relaxed in between, our mini-golf paradise awaits you - because networking is very important to us.

So, join us and experience the FIBE!


Tapahtuman tiedot

Päivämäärä: 24.04.2024 - 25.04.2024
Kaupunki: Berlin
Paikka: City Cube Messe Berlin
Lisätty: 5.3.2024

Muita tapahtumia


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