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24.05.2023 Helsinki

TapahtumaLearn to build scalable solutions utilizing Event-Driven Design, network with other professionals and enjoy free burgers and drinks!

In the meetup, you will learn:

  • Why and how to move towards event-driven and event-sourced architecture
  • What kind of frameworks can you leverage on Event Sourcing projects
  • How to build a location transparent system using Domain-Driven messaging

When and Where?

  •  24.5. at 17:00
  •  At Epicenter, Mikonkatu 9, Helsinki 

 (Revelation Space, 2nd floor)

  •  Free entry + free burgers and drinks 


17:00 Doors will open

17:20 Introduction

17:25 Ilkka Horsma: Why and how to move towards event-driven and event-sourced architecture?

18:05 Mitchell Herrijgers: Building a location transparent

system using Domain-Driven messaging

 + live-coding session

19:05-20:30 Burgers & drinks + networking


lkka Horsma is the founder of Miili Consulting with over 20 years of experience in software design and architecture. He has been applying Domain-Driven Design for nearly a decade. He uses the Event Storming method continuously in his design process.

Mitchell Herrijgers is a Solutions Architect at AxonIQ, enabling customers to build the most effective Event-Driven applications possible. He has a big passion for development, User and Developer Experience, and is a coder at heart.


Tapahtuman tiedot

Päivämäärä: 24.05.2023
Kaupunki: Helsinki
Paikka: Epicenter, Mikonkatu 9
Lisätty: 17.5.2023

Muita tapahtumia


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