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Elexpo - New event of Automation, Electricity & Lighting for Buildings

15.05-16.05.2019 Tampere

New event of Automation, Electricity & Lighting for Buildings

15. & 16.5.2019 Tampere Messukeskus

New elexpo event presents the most up-to-date solutions and innovations and offers great opportunity to network with other professionals.

The energy effiency of properties, safety, comfort and responsibility are strong trends wich are important themes in real estate construction, mainteance and renovation in the future. With modern automation, electricity and lightning solutions it possible to endorse fulfillment of these trends and expectation. elexpo offers great chance to meet electricity and real eastate professionals such as designers, electricians, property managers and mainteance managers during two event days. elexpo is free event for electricity and real estate professionals.

@elexpoTRE #elexpo2019


Tapahtuman tiedot

Päivämäärä: 15.05-16.05.2019
Kaupunki: Tampere
Paikka: Tampereen Messu- ja Urheilukeskus Ilmailunkatu 20, 33900 Tampere - Finland
Lisätty: 28.11.2018

Muita tapahtumia


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