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Digital Tsunami Summit

10.09.2020 Helsinki


The Digital tsunami summit is all about content.


We are not making money. Instead, we want to create a unique experience and set up a space for inclusive dialogue.


World-class keynote speakers, unique roundtable discussions and unparalleled networking with peers in person makes this the perfect event for you and your team.


Technology is embedded in everything, empowering and encouraging people to do things they never thought they could. It is the essence of the future.


Our mission is to give leaders across the globe inspiration and many concrete ideas on how to succeed in continuous business transformation.


The Digital Tsunami Summit is an exceptional business and technology conference:


"Not the biggest, but the BEST business conference of the year!"

Timo, CEO & Founder Digital Tsunami Summit


Tapahtuman tiedot

Päivämäärä: 10.09.2020
Kaupunki: Helsinki
Lisätty: 19.5.2020

Muita tapahtumia


Digitalisaatio & innovaatiot blogimedia

Blogimediamme käsittelee tulevaisuuden liiketoimintaa, digitaalisia innovaatioita ja internet-ajan ilmiöitä