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Digital Health Nordic 2023

07.02.2023 Webinaari



The resilience of our society, living standards and healthcare system has just gone through an unpredictable stress test. The world changed exponentially in just a few months.


Countries had to react rapidly to start gathering real time data, indicators and clinical evidence, and to adapt to a constantly changing public health landscape in order to optimize the sharing of existing healthcare resources.


A microscopic small virus accelerated the need for digitisation, collaboration and innovation. In this cross road of modern history, a new age of health and care ecosystem and its purposes, services and infrastructure will take form.


In the aftermath of the outbreak the preparedness of health systems to fully optimize the value of data when it really is vital will be unquestionable. Another long tail will be the re-distribution of health services, better quality and accessibility, proactive solutions, cost reduction and improved patient experience and working conditions for professionals.


Join us for a road-map guidance and a unique look on using technologies to push care beyond the four walls of one hospital, to connect multi-site systems to work as one, to connect people to their own care and to enable integrated care to be delivered at a system level.


While prioritizing prevention, personalized care will improve outcome and reduce costs. Know what is making a positive difference to patients right now. The future of Digital Health is here - anywhere & anytime!


Welcome to Digital Health Nordic.


Tapahtuman tiedot

Päivämäärä: 07.02.2023
Tyyppi: Webinaari
Lisätty: 15.12.2022

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