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Digital Excellence Forum @ ICT Proposers' Day 2019

19.09-20.09.2019 Helsinki

TapahtumaDigital Excellence Forum @ ICT Proposers’ Day 2019 will take place on 19-20 September 2019 at the Messukeskus centre in Helsinki. The event will provide an excellent opportunity to present and discuss the main policy drivers of the digital transformation of European industry and society. It will also present how the EU research & innovation agenda can best contribute to these objectives. The event will also present the Horizon 2020 Work Programme, and serve as a unique networking platform for ICT enthusiasts and professionals.


Tapahtuman tiedot

Päivämäärä: 19.09-20.09.2019
Kaupunki: Helsinki
Paikka: Messukeskus, Messuaukio 1, 00520 Helsinki
Lisätty: 27.4.2019

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