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Data Quality Management Trends and Practices

02.02.2023 Helsinki

TapahtumaData Quality Management is a complex challenge with wicked problems and dilemmas. On the other hand, it is a highly political topic dealing with strategic issues. Therefore, Data Quality professionals must lobby executives to transform the way how their organization works. At the same time, data quality is a very pragmatic problem filled with intertwined technical details. Data Quality professionals must perform first hand analyses across technical data sources to recognize and measure the relevance of issues that nobody knew even existed.

In this event, we will go through some of the latest trends in and approaches to Data Quality management. In an industry case presentation, Elisa Oyj will present how they approach data quality in telecommunication sector. In addition, we will learn more about less known emerging approaches called Self-Service Data Quality Management and Self-Learning Data Observability. The presentations will be complemented with hands-on demonstrations with state-of-art quality management platforms.

The seats are limited to 50 participants due to physical limitations! Register as soon as possible to secure the place and remember to withdraw if you cannot attend the event.


Date: 2.2.2023

Time: 17:00-19:00

Location: Siili Solutions Oy, Ruoholahdenkatu 21, 00180 Helsinki, Finland


16:30 Entrance and coffee

17:00-17:15 Trends and Practices for Data Quality Management (DAMA Finland ry, Sami Laine)

17:15-17:45 Data Quality Management in Practice at Elisa (Elisa Oyj, Katri Mäkitalo) 

17:45-18:15 Self-Service Data Quality (Vendor 1: Experian)

18:15-18:45 Data observability (Vendor 2: X)

18:45-19:00 Wrap up

19:00 Free discussion and networking

20:00 Leaving the area


Tapahtuman tiedot

Päivämäärä: 02.02.2023
Kaupunki: Helsinki
Paikka: Ruoholahdenkatu 21
Lisätty: 15.12.2022

Muita tapahtumia


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