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CIO Nordic

01.12.2022 Webinaari

The CIO and IT Executive gathering of the year

The role of the CIO has evolved beyond leading IT into being in the forefront of change, inspiring teams and business stakeholders, navigating transformative business models, sustainable practices and high performing cultures.

In today’s data-first world IT executives have the keys to provide the vision and the results needed to lift organizations to the next level. Strategic leadership becomes even more essential when adding the factors of economic uncertainty and geopolitical tension.

In times of disruption and growth, it is crucial to lead from the front. The CIO needs to encourage continuous exploration while striving for first-class performance from a generationally and geographically diverse staff.

What comes next? Welcome to understand and share best practices on how to accelerate digital business, adaptability and resilience in a future hybrid world interlacing metaverse, AI and hyperconnectivity.

Change the dynamic of your industry and explore game-changing business capabilities.

See you @ Nordic CIO!


Tapahtuman tiedot

Päivämäärä: 01.12.2022
Tyyppi: Webinaari
Lisätty: 24.10.2022

Muita tapahtumia


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