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Chief of Finance 2022

19.05.2022 Webinaari



The whole world is following The Ukrainian war and whatever the ultimate outcome, the world will never be the same. 

In wake of this conflict, companies rush to approach critical challenges and seek to make decisions with confidence, and it’s more clear than ever - that crucial business support and insight is no longer a choice - it’s a necessity for all modern companies.


The rising needs of stakeholders and macro pressures act as a catalyst for CFOs to “digitally elevate” and deliver more real-time, predictive, errorless, always-on support answers to drive profitable and sustainable decisions.

By joining the event you will discover the latest strategies and technologies being implemented by leading companies to transform the role of finance into a business-partner capable of delivering the crucial support and insights necessary for long-term economic success. 


Gain strategic guidance on the matters that shape finance just now, company performance and personal effectiveness. Going from one disruption to another, the role of the Finance Leader is evolving dramatically and on a fast-track forward.

Over 1000+ Nordic colleagues will gather and discuss how the ongoing situation is changing your role and the Finance Departments and we'll discuss the concrete steps to protect your business and how to be prepared for the worst-case scenario in the best way possible.


Join 1000 peers - Acquire New Insights, Trends, and Generate Business Growth.


Tapahtuman tiedot

Päivämäärä: 19.05.2022
Tyyppi: Webinaari
Lisätty: 9.5.2022

Muita tapahtumia


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