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Born Global - Act Local

23.05.2023 Helsinki Webinaari

TapahtumaAre you wondering how to create a game plan for a globally successful company? Do you want to learn how to build a dream team to achieve the greatest success for your company? And where can you find the state of mind for global success?

Join us at the Boardman Grow event "Born Global - Act Local" on Tuesday, May 23rd from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM to be inspired and learn concrete tips and growth stories from successful entrepreneurs on how to build a globally successful brand.

Our expert speakers include Siamäk Naghian, CEO of Genelec, Tony Honkanen, Director of International Expansion at Wolt, and Evon Blomstedt, Founder and CEO of HUONE and the moderator Samppa Vilkuna, CEO of Superson.

This will be a hybrid event, with both live and online participation options available. Live participants can join us at Innovation Home Kamppi (Kansakoulukatu 3, 00100 Helsinki), while online participants can join us via VIMEO.

Registration is required in advance, and please note that space is limited for on-site participants. Therefore, we encourage you to reserve your spot as soon as possible.

The event is free of charge and aimed especially at growth entrepreneurs and growth managers.

The event is organized in cooperation with Technology Industry of Finland, and PwC.

Register to the event here!


Tapahtuman tiedot

Päivämäärä: 23.05.2023
Kaupunki: Helsinki
Paikka: Kansakoulukatu 3
Tyyppi: Webinaari
Lisätty: 26.4.2023

Muita tapahtumia


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