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Biopankkimarkkinan tulevaisuuden kasvumahdollisuudet & suomalaisen biopankkiekosysteemin kasvun suositukset -webinaari


TapahtumaWebinar on May 27th at 12.30-14.00

Business Finland aims to provide early stage insight on trends that define future business opportunities. Emerging global bio-bank ecosystem has been acknowledged as undergoing significant changes in the near future and bringing major opportunities also for Finnish bio-bank ecosystem. In closer discussions with industry stakeholders there was a clearly identified need to understand the relative competitive positioning of the Finnish biobank ecosystem. To support in this process, Personalized health program initiated a Future Watch study on global bio-banking markets. In the study, we identify key trends and their respective drivers in order to validate future growth opportunities in bio-bank markets as well as study the areas for improving the positioning and value proposition of the Finnish biobank offer in global setting. The ultimate aim is to generate insights that will be strategically actionable for bio-bank stakeholders in Finland.

In this interactive briefing the key objective is to discuss the findings of the study and highlight the recommendations for the Finnish bio-banking eco-system to continue on a growth trajectory.


Tapahtuman tiedot

Päivämäärä: 27.05.2020
Lisätty: 16.5.2020

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