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Bayes Comp 2023

12.03-17.03.2023 Levi Webinaari

TapahtumaBayes Comp is the biennial conference of the Bayesian Computation Section of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis. Bayes Comp 2023 is the third edition of the conference series which will be held in Levi Summit, Finland, from 15-17 March 2023, with satellite events from 12-14 March. It is a continuation in the spirit of the workshops formerly known as MCMSki.

For information about previous meetings, see https://bayescomp-isba.github.io/events.html


The call for invited session proposals is still open!

Proposals should be submitted via Google Form: https://forms.gle/NnE6BmBxMR6syLXN9 by August 7th Monday, August 22nd @ 11:55pm (U.S. Pacific time; UTC -8).

Email bayescomp2023@gmail.com with any questions you might have.


Bayes Comp is organized with support from ELLIS Unit Helsinki


Tapahtuman tiedot

Päivämäärä: 12.03-17.03.2023
Kaupunki: Levi
Paikka: Levi Summit
Tyyppi: Webinaari
Lisätty: 24.10.2022

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