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AppLocker ONLINE-Seminar

25.06.2019 Webinaari

TapahtumaAppLocker ONLINE-Seminar

June 25, 2019

10-12 am or 7-9 pm (UTC+3)

Securing AppLocker

In this two hour ONLINE workshop you will learn hands on how to deploy Whitelisting in the enterprise and especially how to secure it and make it tamper-protected. It is the most important tool against malware nowadays and mandatory for all companies – not to mention that it can block all cryptolockers and ransomware. In this session the world’s leading Windows Security Expert, Sami Laiho, will guide you through how to setup and secure AppLocker in Windows 10 (or 7).


Sami has deployed AppLocker in several tens of companies sized from 10 computers to 550000 computers so he knows what he is talking about. After deploying AppLocker the most important job is to keep it secure. There are tens of ways to bypass AppLocker and this session focuses on how to keep it secure!


Sami will also show you how AppLocker blocks in-memory only malware – for free!

You will also get a ready-to-implement, pre-secured, ruleset that you can deploy at your workplace! Think about it, that’s 149€+tax and you get it prebuilt for you – you can’t get it cheaper than this!

You will also get a video recording of the session! For example if neither of the timeslots works for you, and so that you can always go back to this.


  • AppLocker
  • Notes from the Field of how to deploy AppLocker – and how not to.
  • How to Secure AppLocker
  • How to block modern threats like in-memory only malware
  • Introduction to a pre-built pre-secured ruleset


149€ (+VAT)


Tapahtuman tiedot

Päivämäärä: 25.06.2019
Tyyppi: Webinaari
Lisätty: 4.6.2019

Muita tapahtumia


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