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AI & Data Intelligence 2019

18.09.2019 Helsinki

TapahtumaArtificial intelligence has become one of the most significant technological developments in business.

It’s a general-purpose technology which is a fundamental driver of economical growth, such as steam and combustion engines were at their time.


While AI is going to once again revolutionize the way we do business, most executives have not yet seen substantial effects from AI. The expectations run sky-high, but what are businesses actually doing right now, and what should you do?

Join us at AI & Data Intelligence 2019 and find out!


AAt the epicenter of technological change, AI & Data Intelligence 2019 provides a chance for all the players in the industry to learn, network, and share insight on how to stay ahead.


Tapahtuman tiedot

Päivämäärä: 18.09.2019
Kaupunki: Helsinki
Paikka: Kattilahalli, Sörnäisten rantatie 22 00540 Helsinki, Finland
Lisätty: 9.4.2019

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