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Advanced Engineering Helsinki 2018

29.05-30.05.2018 Helsinki

TapahtumaAdvanced Engineering is a professional trade show for the forerunners of industrial techonology. The event follows global concept that has gathered the leaders and professionals together succesfully in UK, Sweden, Norway, and now for the second time in Finland, Helsinki as well. 

The event is a showcase on the latest advances in engineering, converging innovations, latest developments and vital information driving efficiency and profitability. In 2018, the event will again gather together the future solutions in advanced materials & composites, designing and planning tools, measuring & testings tools, the robotics, automation, electronics and 3D productions.

Advanced Engineering is truly unique trade show that gathers engineering professionals, designers, research & development people, decision makers, buyers and supplier together for two effective days to meet face to face, find new products and services and get inspired by the seminar program.

Join the future!


Tapahtuman tiedot

Päivämäärä: 29.05-30.05.2018
Kaupunki: Helsinki
Paikka: Messuaukio 1, 00520
Lisätty: 30.11.-1

Muita tapahtumia


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