Neoxen reaches Triple-D Gold
Neoxen Systems has reached the highest gold partnership level with Microsoft in Datacenter Competency. As a leading provider of Azure based information management solutions Neoxen has now certified their software platform with full ”Triple-D” gold compliance - Datacenter, Data Platform and Data Analytics.
”Mobility with cloud services as a trend goes through the whole society, not only enterprises. This requires certified solutions and secure operation of virtual datacenters as the foundation. Mobility and digitalization in general with smart urban development, new services for e-society and rapidly growing shift to smart appliances requires trusted technology providers with proven track record.” tells Esa Tervo, CEO at Neoxen Systems.
”Ensuring that our solutions meet the highest compliance levels is part of our long term strategy. High security, safety and compliance are the cornerstones of the solutions that fulfill the demanding requirements of our customers. Therefore reaching the highest gold level also in Datacenter Competency is an important milestone both for our customers and us. This new achievement provides strong evidence of our commitment to the technologies chosen by our customers in private and public sectors. Triple-D certified Neoxen platform spiced with Intelligent Systems Gold Competency is a solid foundation as we are enabling Enterprise Mobility and incorporating intelligent Machine Learning technologies into solutions portfolio.”
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Omat tagit
Neoxen Systems - Asiantuntijat ja yhteyshenkilöt
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It- ja ohjelmistoalan työpaikat
- Laura - Ohjelmistokehittäjä
- Nordea - Senior Manual Test Engineer, Nordea Payments
- Nordea - Senior Test Automation Engineer with Python, Nordea Payments
- Nordea - Senior IT Analyst in SWIFT area
- Laura - C++ kehittäjä
- Nordea - Senior Backend Developer, Nordea Finance
- Laura - Palveluvastaava, tietohallinto
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