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Business Finland Connection 2.0 - Open

TarjouspyyntöHankintailmoitus: Business Finland Oy

Tarjoukset 20.05.2019 klo 12.00 mennessä

At Business Finland we are developing improved ways of handling customer data and we have ambitious goals to go further by automating parts of our funding processes, developing more accurately tailored services for funding, matchmaking and BI to benefit our customers. This development is linked to our own customer data that consists of funding applications and their evaluations. This data is connected to various topics and additional meta data in our semantic search engine called Business Finland Connection – Internal. Now it is time to continue the development of this engine, to be able to provide 1) extension of BFC search (to open data), 2) more advanced clustering of BF customer data and customer profiling, 2) recommendation engine and partner search for BF customers, 4) support for our other IT development projects by providing above listed functionalities. Please see Annex 1 for more information.


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