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Asiakkuudenhallinta CRM BI ja raportointi HR Tuotekehitys ja suunnittelu Toiminnanohjaus ERP Taloushallinto Markkinointi Webkehitys Mobiilikehitys Käyttöliittymäsuunnittelu Tietoturva Verkkokaupparatkaisut Ohjelmistokehitys Integraatiot Pilvipalvelut / SaaS Tekoäly (AI) ja koneoppiminen Lisätty todellisuus ja VR Paikkatieto GIS IoT Microsoft SAP IBM Salesforce Amazon Web Services Javascript React PHP WordPress Drupal

Christer Granlycke - asiantuntijaprofiili

AsiantuntijaMy goal and focus is to help our customers to develop high quality web and mobile applications in order to achieve success. Our development services are tailored specifically to meet client requirements and business objectives of customers. Our services include UI/ UX design, web/ mobile development, testing, business analyses, and software maintenance. Our best expertise is web development with the focus on .NET/ Node.js for back-end and React.js/ Angular for front-end development. Regarding iOS and Android mobile applications we will be happy to research and advise what works for best for your project: native or cross platform technologies, for example, Xamarin. We’ve built complex systems that scale to thousands of users and are architected for change. We will be happy to share our knowledge and practice in the following industries: Accounting, Sport, Entertainment, Ecommerce and Education. 


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Nimike: Sales Rep Nordic
E-mail: cgranlycke@adexin.com
Puh: +358 40 562 9642

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