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Web Content Coordinator & Developer


RekryilmoitusHanken is looking for a: 

Web Content Coordinator & Developer

As the web content coordinator and developer, you will work as a member of the Marketing and Communications team. The team is part of the Office of University Services, which is responsible for marketing and communications, information- and environmental services, information technology, HR, and internal real estate services and maintenance.

We are looking for someone with an interest in digital platforms and the communication opportunities that they offer. You have experience in managing web projects, developing digital tools, and working with graphic design. You understand the importance of a seamless user experience when visiting a website and actively put yourself in the user’s shoes when evaluating the development opportunities of our digital communication. Your university degree is probably related to web and communication. You enjoy supporting and training colleagues in publishing and communicating material on our website.

Your duties will include: 

  • responsibility for the content coordination and development on Hanken’s website 
  • designing and publishing web content
  • development of our UI/UX based on user experience and feedback
  • developing the content for and management of Hanken’s info TVs
  • training and supporting staff
  • other tasks related to digital communication, web support and routine web updates 

Depending on your experience and background, other tasks may be added. 

We appreciate experience of:

  • different CMS systems, preferably Drupal
  • UI/UX design
  • graphic design and image processing
  • Adobe programmes
  • SEO and web accessibility
  • web analytics (Google Analytics)

You are structured, creative, and able to drive strategic processes independently. You have a service-oriented approach and a positive attitude towards your work. You communicate fluently in English and Swedish. Finnish is considered a merit.

We offer you a social job in a dynamic and informal working environment with motivated, committed, and friendly colleagues. The workplace for this position is Helsinki, but occasional travelling may be needed. The employment relationship starts no later than August 2023.

The salary is determined based on the university’s salary system and is placed at demand level 8-9 for other staff. The initial salary per month is 3 100 – 4 000 €. The exact salary level depends upon the recruited individual’s qualifications and performance. The trial period will be 6 months.

For further information, please contact Head of Marketing and Communications Eva Adlercreutz Carrero, tel. 050 479 8852, eva.carrero@hanken.fi.

Applications with accompanying curriculum vitae should be addressed to the Director of University services and submitted in Hanken’s application database LAURA, no later than 31.05.2023.

Hanken Svenska handelshögskolan

Om du är intresserad av ekonomi och samhälle erbjuder Hanken dig en internationellt välkänd och uppskattad utbildning av högsta kvalitet. Hos oss skapar du dig nätverk för livet, får personlig handledning och möjlighet att ta framgångsrika steg i karriären.

Laura logo


Hakuaika: 16.5.2023 - 31.5.2023
Sijainti: Helsinki
Linkki: https://rekrytointi.com/avoimet-tyopaikat/hanken-svenska-handelshogskolan/web-content-coordinator-developer/2199764/


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