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SETT Finland 2018

13.09-14.09.2018 Helsinki


SETT is the largest event of modern and innovative learning in the Nordic countries and it arrives to the congress wing of the Messukeskus Helsinki in autumn 2018. The event, formerly called NetForum, has been already successfully organized four times in Finland. Now it changes its name to SETT Finland and is therefore more closely associated with the Easyfairs SETT event family.

NetForum events in Finland and SETT events in Sweden have gathered educational professionals together with technology-oriented future plans. The basic idea of ??the events is to provide the teaching professionals, teachers, principals, pedagogues, teaching staff and decision-makers the opportunity to inspire and explore the development, opportunities and trends of learning digitalisation. SETT Finland is in close cooperation with local actors and in addition to basic education the event will include content for pre-school education. A clear set of programs will help the listener to find the right content from the rich range of presentations.

Welcome to apply for a new semester - see you in September 2018!

Save the date and follow us on Twitter!



Tapahtuman tiedot

Päivämäärä: 13.09-14.09.2018
Kaupunki: Helsinki
Lisätty: 30.11.-1

Muita tapahtumia


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