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ME Executive Day - The Race for Automation

05.03.2024 Helsinki

TapahtumaDuring the ME Executive Day, we will gather around 500 Tech CXOs and Directors from the top 500 organizations in Finland.

This is your stage to connect with the cream of the crop and showcase your expertise and solutions. Take advantage of our Premium Event Partnership Packages today!

Event Partnership designed to drive results

Whether you aspire to make a lasting impact on wide audience or engage in small group discussions, we offer tailored opportunities to suit your goals.

Partner Lounge

  • Set up your own lounge in our networking area

Roundtable Discussions

  • Select your roundtable participants from the attendee list

Stage Package

  • Get a seat on stage in the panel discussion

Spotlight Video

  • Elevate your presence and make a memorable impact

Event Access

  • Bring up to 6 representatives to the event


Tapahtuman tiedot

Päivämäärä: 05.03.2024
Kaupunki: Helsinki
Paikka: Clarion Hotel
Lisätty: 2.2.2024

Muita tapahtumia


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