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Eurooppa Foorumi, Turku Competitiviness of European Technology Companies: Vision for 2030

30.08.2023 Turku

TapahtumaTechnology Industries of Finland and German Electro and Digital Industry Association ZVEI

The programme provided by Technology Industries of Finland and German Electro and Digital Industry Association ZVEI will address the crucial issue after the regulatory tsunami of the current Commission: how to build for the competitiveness of European Technology companies?

We will discuss the following topics:

- how to develop manufacturing excellence with digital tools and data

- how to accelerate profitable green growth

- how to build long-term competitiveness for European companies?

Moderator: Director, EU Regulation Jussi Mäkinen, Technology Industries of Finland


MEP Henna Virkkunen, EPP 

CEO Jaakko Hirvola, Technology Industries of Finland

Member of Executive Management Sarah Bäumchen,  ZVEI

Company representatives to be confirmed


Programme language: English

Tapahtuman aika

30.8.2023 klo 15.00 - 30.8.2023 klo 15.45


Tapahtuman tiedot

Päivämäärä: 30.08.2023
Kaupunki: Turku
Paikka: Sigyn
Lisätty: 7.8.2023

Muita tapahtumia


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