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E-mobility System Engineer

RekryilmoitusAs part of the Ponsse group, Epec is the place where you can enhance your skills and work with leading machine manufacturers. With us you get a pole position to state-of-the-art technologies, world-class customers, and a work environment that values excellence, continuous learning, and work-life balance.


Our company is looking for an experienced E-mobility System Engineer who would have a key role in the development of tomorrows high-end high voltage (HV) systems and related controls. Your key responsibilities will be leading high level HV power net architectures on the off- highway vehicles, ensuring consistency and seamless functionality in all high voltage systems in the vehicle. Additionally, you will be responsible for defining vehicle level requirements and performance, including test requirements and specifications. At this position you will collaborate closely with our suppliers/customers as well as with electronics and system design teams. Work is flexible remote.


We expect that you can lead complex HV power net architecture development projects and you are able to lead simulation driven power electric/electronics system development. You should have at least 2 years of experience designing high voltage DC systems and the ability to use model-based design simulation software like MATLAB/Simulink or similar model- based design tools. To be successful in this position you should be familiar with risk analysis methods and tools like S-DFMEA, HARA and Functional safety analysis for electronics of the mobile machines or automotive. Additionally, you need to have experience with HV components such as DC/DC converters, battery chargers, HV 3-phase motors, power distribution, grounding, cooling and analogue circuit designs. This position requires occasional travelling. Understanding modern development processes at Tier1 or OEM level would be preferred.


If you are a flexible and self-imposed team player, who is willing to do versatile and challenging tasks, you might be the person we are looking for!


Further information about Epec Oy: www.epec.fi

Applications including salary request before 27.6.2021.

Inquiries about the position from Mika Suonmaa (Program Manager) phone 040 803 4596

Epec Oy logo


Hakuaika: 14.6.2021 - 11.7.2021
Sijainti: Tampere
Linkki: https://ura.epec.fi//jobs/1216869-e-mobility-system-engineer?utm_campaign=jobs-widget&utm_source=ura.epec.fi&utm_content=jobs&utm_medium=web


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