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Staria and Kiinteistömaailma created the concept of modern financial management

ReferenssiGenuine partnership and joint development

Kiinteistömaailma, the real estate agency chain famous in Finland, started its partnership with Staria already in 2012. Outsourcing the financial management to Staria was done by providing Kiinteistömaailma with its own service centre, which, as per the concept of the chain, manages the finance administration and payroll management of all entrepreneurs. The chain management receives a complete overview of the financial situation of the chain and individual firms in a transparent and uniform manner.

Franchising entrepreneurs have access to Staria’s financial management services, the Netvisor system as well as payroll and HR services. Electronic services facilitate the business life of over eighty entrepreneurial firms.

Kiinteistömaailma is a franchising chain comprised of 84 entrepreneurial firms and over a hundred real estate agencies with over 660 real estate professionals. Kiinteistömaailma both sell and rent out flats and houses.

According to the chain management’s point of view, the time before partnering with Staria was chaotic, as there could well be 78 different accounting firms managing the financial management of chain entrepreneurs. The quality of the end results was uneven. Staria was chosen, and at the beginning of their partnership, Kiinteistömaailma and Staria jointly created the concept of financial management, with the modern and user-friendly Netvisor software being the tool of choice.

Entrepreneurs’ finance and payroll management are in good hands

“In my opinion, the greatest benefit from this partnership is, of course, that I can rest assured that matters related to entrepreneurs’ finance and payroll management are in good hands”, deputy CEO of Kiinteistömaailma Marina Salenius ponders.

Entrepreneurial couples Hannu and Päivi Salo have three Kiinteistömaailma shops in Espoonlahti, Espoo, Kirkkonummi and Konala, Helsinki. Like all entrepreneurs at Kiinteistömaailma, they too utilize Staria’s services.

“The great thing about working with Staria is that most services are electronic and an entrepreneur can utilize them when they wish, which is usually outside normal service times. We have easy access to the services we need”, Hannu Salo says.

“I can accept invoices through Netvisor and communicating with the accountant goes smoothly in my opinion”, Päivi Salo praises.

The Salos can concentrate on their own expertise, i.e. selling flats and houses, and developing their business.

“Everyday life is made really convenient through electronic services. It’s easy”, Hannu continues.

Solution-oriented and rewarding cooperation

Salenius mentions coming up with new things as the best part of collaborating. Upon coming across new ideas, they reflect together with Staria whether it’s possible to implement them.

“The cooperation with Staria has been rewarding, solution-oriented and constructive. Since the beginning, Staria has been genuinely interested and committed in developing a new concept of operations for financial management services as well as acquiring an operating model for true partnership. Our service team is highly committed and service-oriented and prepared to further develop our business”, Salenius praises.

“A good example is how we think about what a robot can do and what other systems we can incorporate to facilitate an entrepreneur’s everyday life in addition to an accounting system”, Salenius states.

“Without Staria, we would also lack an excellent partnership and the wonderful contact persons with whom we are working”, Salenius concludes.

Robotics to ease everyday life

Robotics process automation project was implemented for Kiinteistömaailma with the goal of cleaning up the CRM software. The project was commenced in Spring 2018, and in August, the robot named “Huubert” had processed the entire customer register and deleted duplicate contact details as instructed. Huubert still continues to work by updating the system’s data approximately 1-2 times a week.

“What benefits us the most is the cleaned customer register, with which real estate agents have an easier time finding their customers. We had a considerable amount of duplicates in our system, and the project was so huge that not even a year’s worth of man-hours would have been enough”, ponders Mirka Mäkinen, director of development for Kiinteistömaailma’s information systems.

“New robotics projects are being planned and our goal is for the next robots to ease our peoples’ workloads by automating routine work tasks”, Mäkinen describes enthusiastically.


“The cooperation with Staria has been rewarding, solution-oriented and constructive. Since the beginning, Staria has been genuinely interested and committed in developing a new concept of operations for financial management services as well as acquiring an operating model for true partnership. Our service team is highly committed and service-oriented and prepared to further develop our business.”

Marina Salenius / Deputy CEO of Kiinteistömaailma

Referenssin infoboxi
Staria Oyj logo


Tilaaja: Kiinteistömaailma real estate agency chain
Ajankohta: 2012 -
Anu Hemmilä


Yritysprofiili Staria kotisivut


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Pilvipalvelut / SaaS



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